Importance of Pronouns and Why it Matters
You may have noticed that people are sharing their pronouns in introductions, in their email signatures, and at the beginning of meetings. This gives everyone the opportunity to self-identify instead of assuming someone’s identity or which pronouns they use.
Including pronouns is a step toward respecting an individual’s identity and creating a more welcoming space for people of all genders.
Looking for some tips on pronoun use?
- Create opportunities for people to share their pronouns. This can be done by introducing yourself and your pronouns first so that others feel comfortable doing so.
- If you don’t know a person’s pronouns, feel free to ask them.
- When addressing groups of people or those whose pronouns you haven’t been told, use gender-neutral language such as, “friends,” “folks,” or “all,” rather than “guys,” “ladies,” “ma’am,” or “sir.”

Why is June Pride Month?
Pride month is an entire month dedicated to the uplifting of LGBTQ voices, the celebration of LGBTQ culture, and the support of LGBTQ rights. The reason why Pride month is celebrated in June, is in part due to the police raid of the Stonewall Inn, an LGBTQ bar in Greenwich Village on June 28, 1969.
Raids on LGBTQ bars were commonplace during this time, however on that night, the patrons of the bar fought back. This started the Stonewall Riots which went on for days. While historical accounts of the night vary, the violent response of this particular raid, ignited a national firestorm of activism that brought new visibility to the struggle for LGBTQ equality.
In fact, the Stonewall Inn was declared a historic landmark by the city of New York in 2015 and later named a national monument by President Barack Obama in 2016.
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