Ditch The Paper
If you’re still keeping records and conducting business with paper, consider whether going digital makes sense for your company. Digital files are easier to sort and don’t take up as much physical space. This can also help your business be viewed as more progressive by your customers. Another great way to save paper is to switch to online statements.
Encourage Direct Deposits
If you’re still mailing paper checks to your employees, getting them to sign up for direct deposit can be a win-win. Employees get their money faster and there’s no need for wasted paper or the fuel used to deliver them.
Create Computer Efficiency Standards
Computers are high consumers of electricity, so establishing protocols to minimize unneeded use can save energy and money. Start by having your employees set computers to automatically go into sleep mode during short breaks. Also be sure that all computers are plugged into power strips. Ask employees to turn off computers and unplug the power strips before leaving for the day. Turn off and unplug equipment that is seldom used, until it is needed.
Change Your Driving Habits
One of the best ways to reduce carbon emissions is through encouraging employees to carpool, bike or take mass transit to work. You may also consider whether telecommuting would make sense for some of your employees, even on a part-time basis. You can also reduce your trips to the bank by utilizing online banking.
Get Serious About Recycling
Workplaces are a major source of waste, but by making a policy of placing recycling bins in accessible, high-traffic areas, you can reduce the waste from your business. Be sure to clearly articulate how your recycling program works. Many recycling programs fail due to confusion about what items can be recycled and how.
Simple changes like these can help position your business as an environmentally friendly place that customers can feel confident about giving their business. You can find more green ideas for your business at