Get Financially Fit This Year

1 minute read

Every January, many of us jot down things we hope to accomplish in the New Year. How many of those resolutions center around money?

If you want to get financially fit this year, check out this episode of Rockland Trust’s No Shame in this Money Game podcast. In the episode “Financially Fit: YOUR Kind of Gym,” host Rockland Trust’s Julie Beckham chats with Shannon McLay, founder and CEO of The Financial Gym.

Here are three takeaways from their conversation:

1. Anyone Can Get Financially Healthy
Even if there are financial skeletons in the closet, anyone can get their finances in order. What financial health looks like for you will depend a lot on your unique circumstances. For some, financial health might look like rethinking spending habits or improving a credit score. For others, it could be planning how to enjoy retirement

2. You’re Creating More Anxiety By Not Dealing With Your Finances
Due to a variety of reasons, talking about money is a real stressor for many people. But not dealing with your finances head on can create more stress and anxiety. You are not alone -- reach out to a financial expert for advice about your goals and how you can reach them. 

How To Manage Stress (Financial and Otherwise)

3. Take An Inventory to See Your Big Financial Picture
Measuring progress toward your goals will be tricky if you don’t have an idea of where you start out! Take stock of what your financial health looks like to understand what you are dealing with. This can help you pinpoint the biggest financial frustrations in your life, and then you can work toward solving them.

The Financial Gym Share Some Financial Goals for The New Year That You May Want To Consider


What to hear more from Julie? Check any of her seven No Shame in this Money Game podcast episodes!

If you are ready to take your money game to the next level, our banking and financial planning experts at Rockland Trust are here to help you. We can discuss your financial situation, goals and what options are available to you. Check out the Learning Center for more resources touching on all stages of life.

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