At Rockland Trust Investment Management Group, we know that each relationship matters, we provide the same exceptional level of client service to each individual, family, business and organization we serve.
We take a personal approach to wealth management in order to fully understand where you are now, where you want to go and what you will need to get there. We focus on downside protection because studies have shown that outperforming on the downside is critical to growing and preserving wealth over the long term.
We provide comprehensive wealth management services ranging from investment management and financial planning to estate planning, insurance analysis and more. We build your team thoughtfully, carefully selecting the individuals with the expertise you need today and with the flexibility to add new team members or capabilities as your needs evolve tomorrow.
We combine the extensive resources and expertise of a large institution with the deeply personal service you expect from a community bank. At Rockland Trust Investment Management Group, our mission is to offer you more than you expect—but just what you need.
Assets Under Administration
(7 CFA, 14 CFP®, 8 CTFA, 1 CHFC®, 1 CIMA®, 2 CLU®, 2 AIF®, 1 CPA, 2 CRPC®, 1 CLTC®, 3 Attorneys, 1 CEPA, 1 MSFP)
Client Satisfaction Rating
BBJ Largest Independent Investment Advisers in MA