Jeffrey Mead is a Vice President and Relationship Manager and has been with Rockland Trust since 1997. Jeffrey is responsible for the primary oversight of the account administration and helping clients reach their short- and long-term financial goals through detailed financial planning, wealth management, and estate planning analysis.
Jeffrey has worked in the financial services industry since 1995. Prior to joining Rockland Trust, he worked at Fidelity. Jeffrey received a BA and BMus from Oberlin College and Conservatory, a MMus from Westminster Choir College, and earned the designation of Certified Trust & Financial Advisor (CTFA) with honors from the Cannon Financial Institute’s Trust School.
Jeffrey is a member of the Essex County Estate Planning Councils. He is also the organist for the First Congregational Church in Winchester, and accompanies Cantemus, a community chorus on the North Shore. Jeffrey resides in Melrose with his wife.